January 29, 2012

Forks Round 2. Part 6

The Hoh Rainforest. Please forgive the very low quality pictures. This place was AMAZING. I think it's one of those places where you have to see it in person to really SEE it. Well, was that a confusing enough sentence for ya? Anyways, my mouth just hung open the entire time. From giant moss covered trees to crystal clear marshes (I know they aren't supposed to be so clean, but these truly were), I was in heaven. We were all alone on our self guided hike. The visitor's center wasn't open the day we went so there weren't even any workers.

girls in Hoh Rain Forest







A and K



↓↓This section was called The Hall of Mosses. Oh my. Can you say ethereal? I don't think a picture on earth could do it justice. You have to physically be standing there, in the midst of these giant moss draped trees. It is an experience I will never forget. So get yourself to The Hoh Rainforest people!↓↓
K, R and A


giant fallen tree

Since we were smack in the middle of a rainforest, all we heard was nature. No man made noises of any kind, besides ourselves of course. In this last picture, all I wanted was to make it to the other side and build myself a shelter and live there. But sadly, I was in danger of slipping (which I wouldn't have minded so much if I didn't have this deathly fear of deep water) so I vowed the next time I came I'd be more prepared. Mentally and in the shoe department...

Well folks, this is the end. I loved all of it and I hope you did too.


Lani said...

Wow! That looks amazing. Jared will have to take me up there one day :) What kind of camera are you using? Your pictures are fantastic!

Maddie said...



Keith said...

Wow, that is an amazing forest. So cool you guys got to experience it. Thanks for sharing.

Meinhart family said...

Great pictures. xoxo