January 15, 2012

Forks Round 2. Part 5

Now to break from ocean pics (as wonderful as they are), finally we enter the Twilight zone!

Forks High School




Bella's "house"
Kate at the Swan's home

Anna at the Swan's home

Jenna at the Swan's home

The "Cullen house"
Jenna at the Cullen's house




Bella's truck(s). One was a legit, really old and pretty funny looking truck :) The other was the one they used in the films- neither of which would I like to be caught cruising in...
Kate and Bella's truck

Kate and Bella's truck

 Anna and Bella's truck

Jenna and Bella's truck

Tammy and Bella's truck

Tammy and Bella's truck

The trucks were at the Commerce building so we went inside to just browse a bit and found these... The stars themselves! At least their cardboard selves...
Group shot

Kate with the Cullens and Jacob

Anna with Alice and Jacob cutouts

Bella, Jenna and Edward

I laugh every time I see these. Oh Jenna. Maybe I'm jealous. I would love to hold Taylor Lautner's hand though...
Jenna holding Jake's hand <3 Funny funny...

Ed and Jen

We went souvenir shopping where I was practically forced into this.

This however I was happy to do. Don't we make a great couple?
Don't we make a great couple...

Upcoming: the end! (The Hoh Rain Forest)


Tricia said...

I don't want the Washington trip to end...
Love the pic you got roped into :)

Maddie said...

I love the pics!
