November 1, 2011

Halloween Happenings

Here are some of the decor the girls and I made this year. Adam's addition is the "Asian". 
Ghost Cartons
Ghost Cartons
Ghost Cartons
Ghost Cartons

These took forever to cut out! I finally stopped being my usual control freak, and let the girls help. Glad I did. They look pretty real too - One of Jenna's friends came to the door and was telling Jenna how she thought they were real. It was kind of funny.

Cutting this also tried my patience, but it turned out alright. Anna drew the face, Jenna traced her hands and feet, and Kate did the ribs after I had to throw away too many plates due to failed attempts.
skeleton decor

Now for the eye candy- costumes! Let's start with the oldest so that's over with :)

Moody Greek goddess (my alter ego...)
Greek goddess

The day of, Jesse borrowed his "Spartan" costume from a friend whose mom made it.
Spartan 1
Spartan 2

We didn't plan on matching, but it ended up that way. Make way for the Greeks!
Greeks 2

Don't ask cause I have no answers.
Adam in pink

Ms. M&M. She was quite popular at school :)
m&m 1
m&m 2
m&m 3

Next we have a "nerdy poodle girl".
Poodle Girl 1
Poodle Girl 2
Poodle Girl 3

And lastly, Princess Jenna.
Princess Jenna 1
Princess Jenna 2
Princess Jenna 3