March 4, 2011

Student of the Year!

A couple of weeks ago, Kate was chosen as the Student of the Year! Quite an award. Last night we attended a ceremony at Orem High School for this very thing. The ceremony awarded all the winners from each of the schools in Utah county. There were yummy orderves and a nice ceremony followed. There were a couple of dance numbers and an elementary school choir provided some music. They spotlighted each winner and gave them a plaque for their win.

*On a side note, a little while back I made a heavenly chocolate mousse pie, with homemade whipped cream (I am obsessed with that stuff). It looked cool, and tasted REALLY good. I can't wait to make it again!


Weaver Family said...

That's awesome! good job kate! Love your updates rach! :)

Kate said...

Thank you! and Rachel, thank you for the pie.

Maddie said...

Congrats Kathryn! I can't believe she got picked as the student of the year! The ceremony was probably great! Nice cake Rachel!


Meinhart family said...

Way to go Kate! Love your dress. Rachel- that pie looks "heavenly." Love the chocolate swirl on top.

Keith said...

Go Kate! So cool. Pie looks great.