April 13, 2015

A Country Thanksgiving

*Written long ago. Published now.*

We spent Thanksgiving with family in California this year. The food was good, the cheese cake delicious, and the country air just what I needed.

And a day or so after coming home, what happened? Hint: it's winter and I live in Utah.

Yes, it snowed. A lot. A lot a lot. And it will continue to do so until spring. I better get used to it.

But, back to country air. I walked all around my aunt and uncles property and snapped away. The weather was perfect and I just wanted to live in the rose garden. It was Heaven-like to me.

Oh, but before the roses, as we drove we saw a rainbow and the sun was in the middle of it. It was quite a sight, but sadly I wasn't able to capture it very well in a picture. Nevertheless, here it is...


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