December 30, 2010

A Fine Time

I have to say, December this year hasn't been too bad. We've enjoyed living very close to family, aka, Sunday dinners and hanging out.

Earlier in the month, we attended Jesse's choir concert. It was a combined concert featuring Mountain View High School. I was very impressed. There were some great numbers like the funny song about fruitcake, and a tribal number. All in all, they did a wonderful job.

A couple of weeks ago dinner was hosted at our house. Beforehand, my mom and I scored some cute (and cheap) plates and such at Target. And I'll be honest- i struggled (and wrestled) to keep those name tags ON the cups.

Anyways, we had some very tasty salmon, salad with pecans, apple slices and raspberry dressing, and red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Such a delicious meal! Despite the fact that by the end of the night, nearly every cupcake left no longer had any frosting. Oh children.

My mom and I had fun making these edible gifts for our visiting teaching sisters, along with gpa and Sarah (don't worry, we didn't forget gma. We gave her a book light). I'm not much for 'smores, but these looked yummy :)

And just for fun, we Norris' like puzzles- I think... I know Jenna and I do :)


Maddie said...

You must have had a lot of fun! I remember the cupcakes and they were yummy!! I am also glad you like puzzles and Jesse's concert sounds funny!

Keith said...

Cool post and nice job on the dinner arrangements. I like the new look of your blog.

Meinhart family said...

I'm with Keith-love your new blog look!! Great picture of Jesse-so handsome! Love the 'smores treats...I love 'smores. mmmmm!