February 14, 2011

I'm Officially a Pro at Catch-up Posts

A while back, I tried my hand at making a 'rainbow cake'. Funny story- so I thought in order to have enough batter for 6 layers, I'd better quadruple it. After about the 2nd or 3rd ingredient, the beaters died. Awesome.
My solution = pretend I'm a pioneer of sorts and stir it all by hand. My arm felt as though it was ready to fall off, not to mention the bowl with the (quadrupled for goodness sake) batter weighed like 40 pounds. At least it tasted good.

Anna's 10th birthday

Before grandma left for Cali, we had a girls-only book club :) We discussed "The Goose Girl" and had Ugly Ducking Cake. It was very fun and would have been fun to do more often.

Kate's V-Day box for school (she's definitely related to me)


and Jenna's

And lastly, my contribution to "The Day of Love"